IDP-GMES - cover
ITHEA, Kiev-Sofia, 2010, First Edition
ISBN: 978-954-16-0045-0 (printed)
ISBN: 978-954-16-0046-7 (CD/DVD)
ISBN: 978-954-16-0047-4 (online)

Intelligent Data Processing
in Global Monitoring
for Environment and Security

The main parts of the book:

Book cover

Front pages


Table of content, index of figures, index of tables


Chapter 1: Managing Risk and Safety

Chapter 2: High-performance Intelligent Computations for Environmental and Disaster Monitoring

Chapter 3: Investigation of Geodynamics of Central and Eastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula and Bulgaria

Chapter 4: Intelligent Tools for Environment Monitoring: Features and Applications

Chapter 5: Intelligent Gamma-Ray Data Processing for Environmental Monitoring

Chapter 6: Acquisition, Processing and Analysis of Space Images at Risks Management of Natural and Technogenic Emergencies

Chapter 7: Elaboration of Geoinformation Regional Monitoring Environmental System ("GERMES-I") Enriched by Artificial Intelligence Instruments

Chapter 8: Microsituation Concept in GMES Decision Support Systems

Chapter 9: Methods and Means for Protection of Software Critical Infrastructures

Chapter 10: The MLRP-method for Analysis of Some Problems in Climate and Seismology

Chapter 11: Polyhedral Coherent Risk Measures and their Application to Investment Decisions Support under Catastrophic Flood Risks

Chapter 12: Techniques for Robust Bayesian Estimation

Chapter 13: Application of Information Theories to Safety of Nuclear Power Plants

Chapter 14: Growing Pyramidal Networks

Chapter 15: Multi-dimensional Information Spaces as Memory Structures for Intelligent Data Processing in GMES



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