ITA 2010

Joint International Scientific Events on




For CFDM, i.Tech, III, GIT, which will be held in Varna, Bulgaria, June 2010
May 17, 2010:

 submission of final paper by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:

May 30, 2010:

 notification of the paper acceptance by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:

May 30, 2010:

 submission of registration forms and visa application forms by e-mail:

For KDS, MeL, which will be held in Kiyv, Ukraine, September 2010
June 01, 2010:

 submission of final paper by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:

July 15, 2010:

 notification of the paper acceptance by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:

August 01, 2010:  payment of 50% of registration fee.
 Only paper with paid registration fee  will be published.
August 01, 2010:

 submission of registration forms and visa application forms by e-mail:

For INFOS, Krynica, Poland, 14-18.09.2010

please, follow the link

For NIT, Madrid, Spain, 28.09-02.10.2010
May 31, 2010:

 submission of final paper by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:

June 30, 2010:

 notification of the paper acceptance by the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:

July 31, 2010:

 submission of registration forms and visa application forms by e-mail:




Manuscripts from members of ITHEA International Scientific Society (ITHEA ISS) will be preferably included in the events of ITA 2010.

Membership of ITHEA ISS is free and may be done by registration at the or

Manuscripts need to be formatted according the the sample sheet given at: .

Accepted manuscripts will be published as follow:
- surveys from 12 up to 20 pages will be published in the International Journal "Information Theories and Applications"® (IJ ITA) or International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge"® (IJ ITK);
- regular papers from 4 up to 12 pages will be published in specialized thematically organized collections in the International Book Series "Information Science and Computing" (IBS ISC);
- papers less than 4 pages will be assumed as extended abstracts and will be published in the ITHEA ISS International Review Journal “Information Research and Engineering”;
- books or specialized thematically organized collections will be published in the International Book Series "Information Science and Computing" (IBS ISC).
Abstracts of manuscripts published by ITHEA are available online at the ITHEA ISS collaboration web site: .

Responsibility for manuscripts published in ITHEA International Journals and Book Series belongs to authors.

Please get permission to reprint any copyrighted material.



The camera-ready copy of the manuscript should be received by the ITHEA Journal Submission System (  ) or respectively by the ITHEA Conference Submission System (  );
e-mail for questions: .

Please observe the rules and deadlines !

Submit registration cards and visa forms to:  Krassimir Markov, e-mail:

Please observe the rules and deadlines!


NOTE: Fees include VAT !

ITA 2010 Registration Fee is EURO 240 per paper.

Registration fee is composed by participation fee and publication fee.

Participation fee needs to be paid for every person, who participate in the conference, nevertheless with or without paper. Accompanying persons pay only participation fee.

Participation fee is EURO 60. Participation fee for Bulgarian participants is 120 leva.

Participation fee does not cover the price of the proceedings of the conference.

Publication fee needs to be paid for every paper, included in the conference proceedings.

Publication fee is EURO 180. Publication fee for Bulgarian participants is 360 leva.

Publication fee (but not participation) permits receiving one exemplar of the proceedings of the conference in which the paper has been published.

The Sponsors will grant partial financing of EURO 100 to every paper which meets the Sponsor's requirements:
- the paper is not financed by any scientific project;
- the authors are members of ITHEA International Scientific Society (ITHEA ISS). Membership of ITHEA ISS is free and may be done by registration at the  or
- the paper contains the acknowledgement:

"The paper is published with financial support by the project ITHEA XXI of the Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA ( ) and the Association of Developers and Users of Intelligent Systems ADUIS Ukraine ( )."

No special requests or contracts are needed.

NOTE: Only for KDS 2010

Sponsorship by the project ITHEA XXI for publication fee is EURO 165 and for registration fee is EURO 35 per paper. (Организационный взнос для граждан СНГ с учетом гранта ITHEA XXI составляет 350 гривен или 1350 российских рублей за публикацию).
Sponsorships by the project ITHEA XXI for registration fee for students and PhD students is EURO 25 per paper provided that personal authorship of paper. (Организационный взнос для студентов и аспирантов с учетом гранта ITHEA XXI составляет 250 гривен или 970 российских рублей за публикацию при условии единоличного авторства представленной статьи).

Proceedings' prices:

Proceedings of the ITA 2010 will be published in several separate books of the IBS ISC.

Usually, papers from given conference are published in more than one book.

One book of IBS ISC costs EUR 18.

Please, note that publication fee does not include post expenses.

Post expenses per book are EUR 18.


Bank accounts

NOTE: NEW Bank Accounts !

The registration fee in EUROS should be paid to:

IBAN: BG60 BPBI 7922 1437 9857 01;  


Bank name: Eurobank EFG Bulgaria AD

Account holder: FOI Consult Ltd.


All bank commissions must be paid by the sender!


Registration fee in Bulgarian Leva should be paid to:

IBAN: BG78 BPBI 7922 1037 9857 01;  


Bank name: Eurobank EFG Bulgaria AD

Account holder: FOI Consult Ltd.


All bank commissions must be paid by the sender!


Реквизиты для оплаты организационного взноса в украинских гривнах:

Одержувач: Асоціація АСКІС
код ЄДРПОУ 16476689
р/р 26001301300603
в Філія Старокиївське відділення Промінвестбанку в м.Київ
МФО 322227
Призначення платежу: Організаційний внесок за участь у конференції KDS 2010 Фамілія автора, сума без ПДВ

Комиссия банка оплачивается плательщиком платежа!
При оплате организационного взноса в российских рублях по безналичному расчету или в другой валюте свяжитесь с оргкомитетом конференции по e-mail: (


For contacts

Submit questions to:

Krassimir Markov

Juan Castellanos

Vitalii Velychko

Sandra Gómez

Post address: P.O.Box 775, 1090 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel. /fax: (++ 359 2) 920 19 69